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Posts: 13
Re: RCA LC 1
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2007, 12:31:53 PM »I concur with those who have said that the LC-1A series is in a different league sound-wise than the Altec 604 family. The only time where the extra, uh.... shall we say 'spirited'? sound of the Altec is an advantage is possibly for live blues or rock. I find the Altecs unlistenable for classical, merely tolerable for most jazz and pop. The RCA's are a far more refined sound, though I would hesitate to recommend them to anyone who feels the need to listen very loud. That's not what they're about. Don't get me wrong, they'll go loud enough, but they won't (and shouldn't) 'rock the house'. The Altecs are more durable if that's your listening style.
Re: RCA LC 1
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2007, 06:52:47 AM »I am listening to a very big range of music styles from rock to classical music but at very decent levels, so I think that the RCA LC1A would suit best my requirements.
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